I like pithy summaries of important issues. Browsing the web recently I found a great summary of the differences between a BOSS and a LEADER. I believe most managers bounce between the two. They tend to act as a Leader in low risk, relatively unimportant matters or in situations that could adversely affect them. They tent to act like a Boss when they feel threatened or have not earned the respect of those who report to them. Study the points and write out an honest self-assessment. If you find you are mostly a boss, you need a plan to transition to become a leader.
Assume they are experts on every topic
Communicate in one direction
Give abusive, critical, negative feedback
Tear people down without offering mentoring
Permit little or no autonomy - They are always LARGE and IN-Charge
Always blame others - Never accountable for their actions
Always self-serving - measure everything by how they can benefit
Always demand more without offering help
INSPIRE - Always sets the example and provides help to overcome challenges
Takes accountability - Acknowledges mistakes and seeks to learn from them
Treats others as team members
Accepts new ideas - Listens respectfully and acts on input
Provides constructive feedback
Provides resources to help others grow
Builds people through praise and encouragement
Promotes two-way communication
How did you do? Come back in six months to see if your plan is w orking!